Social Life at Exeter

If you are a member of the MCR, the best way to hear about events is through our mailing list. There’s also a Facebook group, which can be helpful for staying in touch with your fellow members, as well as an Instagram page – links to all of these at the bottom of the page!

The MCR typically has a pretty packed social calendar during term, so there’s much more than your studies to keep you busy! Events are organised by the Social Secretaries, and everyone is encouraged to join. Check out the calendar to see what’s coming up, or read on to hear a bit about some of the regular favourite events.

Exchange Dinners

A staple of the MCR calendar – a couple of times per term, we’ll visit another college to experience one of their formal dinners, and invite them to join us for one at Exeter in return. The “away” legs of exchange dinners are typically very popular, so places are balloted, and you can increase your chances of getting a spot by attending the home legs and making our friends from other colleges feel welcome at Exeter!

Wine & Cheese Nights

Wine, cheese, need we say more? Another regular favourite of the MCR, typically also done as an exchange with another college or two. Come along and enjoy some cheese, crackers, wine, non-alcoholic drinks or whatever other delights might be on offer!


A Big Open Party (bop) is an Oxford college party – usually themed for those who fancy dressing up, a great opportunity to get your groove on with some cheap drinks and cheesy tunes!

… and much, much more!

Exeter’s term cards have included garden parties, beer/wine tastings, comedy nights, margarita exchanges, barbecues, picnics… and that’s all just in one term (seriously – Trinity Term 2022)! There’s something for everyone, and if you have ideas for our next great event our Social Secretaries are always taking suggestions.